
Archive for October 9th, 2014|Daily archive page


In Uncategorized on October 9, 2014 at 12:09 pm

US History 

Bell Ringer:

Answer the following questions using Ch 12 Sec 2: How did Korea become a divided nation after WWII?


Small Group
1. Korean War Inferences Trans 99
2. Reading Guide: Cold War Heats Up

3. McCarthyism CLSAssign

Whole Group Review
4. Korean War Background Recip Teach
5. CE Cold War Essay

World History

Bell Ringer:

Complete the Trans 11 and 35 MC questions the timeline for Hebrew History and other a Prim Source of the Qu’ran.


Whole Group
1. Discuss Answers/Collect
2. Finish GR: Judaism and Rise of Islam

3. Distribute GR: Expansion and Culture of Islam

Small Group
4. Read Aloud Primary Source Qu’ran and complete RTG